Richmond Hunting Club
(415) 601-5673


Premier Hunting in the Northern Sacramento Valley, California

Dues & Fees for Memberships (March 1,2025 - February 28, 2026)

New Member Initiation Fee $250 (One time fee, good for life) 
Annual General Membership Dues $1,100

Annual Guest Pass Fee $550

Young Adult Pass Fee (age 16 to 19) $350

Young Adult (15 and under) FREE

Two Day Guest Pass Fee $50

Exclusive Use Waterfowl Blind Fee $1,300 Per Seat.

Maxwell Trailer Parking with power & water hook up $1,000

Maxwell Dry Trailer Parking water only $550 (Sept 1 thru Feb 28)

Maxwell Dry Trailer Storage $400 (March 1 thru Aug 31)

(You MUST purchase a General Membership for each seat you purchase in any blind, Trailer Parking or Trailer Storage Spot)

Dog When you purchase a seat in a Exclusive Use Waterfowl Blind you are issued 1 (one) guest pass per paid seat & paid membership. Juniors, wives, split-seats, and discounted seats do not come with a guest pass. When you purchase a seat in ANY Exclusive Use Water Blind you & your blind partners commit to paying for ALL seats in that blind. The club may be able to help you find additional partners to fill any empty seats you may have, however, you and your blind partners are ultimately responsible to ensure ALL seats are paid for. 
All positions in two, three and four-man blinds require payment in full for all seats in the blind.
Boy and Dog

Trailer Parking Maxwell

Our headquarters trailer park offers full water & power hookups and some dry camping spaces. 

Trailer parking is subject to availability.  The annual fee of $1,000 includes water and power during the hunting season for Maxwell.

The fee for dry camping at Maxwell is $550 and DOES NOT include power or any other type of hook-ups.  Your trailer may be parked in an approved spot starting on September 1, 2025 and must be removed on or before February 28, 2025. You may keep your RV on the Maxwell property in your spot from March 1, 2025 thru September 1, 2025 for an additional $400.

Day/Weekend dry camping is also available for this coming season. Please Call Jeff Brown or Bob Livecchi for details. Their numbers can be found on the Club Contacts page of this website. 

Members opting to keep their trailer on-site for the year at Maxwell Headquarters can plug their trailers in for power and water beginning September 1, 2025 and must unplug water and power on March 1, 2026. 

Guest Passes

Guests are defined as Non-Members that will be hunting with you. You must have a guest pass for each guest and have completed a 'Guest Release of Liability' form for each guest. That/Those form(s) must be in the possession of the club for each guest and fees for each guest pass paid for before the guest(s) is/are brought onto property leased or owned by the club. Guest Day passes are available for $50 for a two day pass.

For more information contact us at (415) 601-5673